Friday, March 14, 2008

Bird Flu Kits

Bird flu is not a new trend. In 1918 around 700 000 Americans were killed by this disease! This is why being prepared is essential! Every emergency preparedness kit needs survival gear such as respirators, protective overalls, eye protection, anti-microbial wipes, etc.

This is of course a debatable subject. Some scientists will argue that investing in something like ?flu wear? is a complete waste of time and money. Yet people will buy anything! And many people are running to get things from gloves to surgical masks to full biohazard suits!

Since avian flu or bird flu has spread all over the world, and jumped from China to Southeast Asia to Turkey, there has been an unprecedented level of interest in these safety supplies. But maybe there is good reason for this concern, as crazy as it may sound. But it is estimated that 750 000 people could die, in the UK alone, if this virus mutates and becomes capable of human-to-human transmission.

Sales of these bird flu safety kits have been even higher than those of anti-terrorism kits which sold like hot-cakes after July 7. July 7 being the day when a series of terrorist explosions killed over 50 people on the London subway. And it seems as though when people watch the news at night they get scared and look to these kits. This is the time where hits on websites supplying these kits will suddenly shoot up. And yes, children?s masks have also been developed and snatched up by worried parents.

Not only can you protect you child, but you can purchase a full ?family kit?. This is a lucky packet of protective wear against bird flu for the whole family!

It would probably be easier just to wash your hands constantly and avoid places with a lot of human traffic. Rather that than running around looking like an idiot in a full bird flu kit which will have you looking somewhat like an astronaut. But on the other hand, might this save your life? Whichever way, people do need to be educated about this virus. We need to keep ourselves aware. Prevention is obviously the best method!

Be more educated about Bird Flu

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