Bird Flu - 2 Million Deaths In The US Alone
If you were fortunate enough to be able to watch the Horizon program on UK TV the other night and you are in the AT RISK category for catching bird flu, then you must be very worried. It's no longer a case of IF bird flu will arrive but WHEN. This program made very traumatic viewing.
The program made sobering viewing with its apocalyptic vision of how the Avian bird flu virus could get a grip on the worlds human population. It was horrendous watching the evidence of a bird flu expert who uses sophisticated computer programs to track the progress of the virus.
He was showing a map of the USA on a screen and the green dots which represented the poulation of the US over period of just 88 days turned red showing cases of life threatening influenza. I could not sleep because the image of that map was going through my mind. Governments and experts around the world are at present taking the threat of Bird Flu VERY seriously. Having crossed the species from birds to humans, this particular flu virus is EXTREMELY potent. One thing that is frightening about it is that it does not just select the old and weak as targets but also the young and healthy.
One of the most chilling things that was highlighted in the TV program was the fact that the spread of the virus will be VERY rapid and in many cases fatal because insufficient planning will allow it to cross borders and attack the planet extremely quickly. They showed an example of how the scientists say the disease is about to progress. In the illustration it started in a small village in Asia where a slaughtered bird infects just one villager, then another complete village as a visitor takes the disease with him.
The next bit is FACT. The US government believe that there will be 2 million deaths in America alone. In the UK the government's Influenza Pandemic Contingency Plan paints a scenario of up to 3/4 million British deaths. It is believed that hospitals and emergency services will be under exteme strain and this is the point where it gets really scary. Because there is a shortage of vaccine, they will have to make qualitative decisions over who gets the vaccine.
The difference between this and normal flu cases is that with normal flu the elderly and vulnerable are innoculated. In the case of a bird flu epidemic, due to the shortage off vaccine, it will be the young and the commercially important people who will get the vaccine. Even babies may not be protected.
There are some very serious questions which need answering sooner rather than later because the quicker the global population realise that this is about to become a reality and not a vague possibility the better. The TV program was a timely warning of what is coming to a town,city or village near you soon and I urge you to be prepared. Find out more about the Bird Flu Virus from our site at
Ask About Health pride themselves in researching to the highest degree on any health matter which may affect the population on a major scale. They have featured 2 major diseases in Bird Flu and MRSA. To get the complete facts on the chilling facts of Bird Flu which most governments are keeping quiet about, go to
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