Friday, January 4, 2008

Bird Flu Pandemic

Bird Flu Pandemic What is a pandemic? Defined by a pandemic is:

Widespread, general. Medicine. Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population: pandemic influenza. Are Pandemics Common?

On average mass epidemics occur every 20-30 years. It has been over 40 years since the last one.

If the Avian Influenza Virus mutates to a strand that is easily transmitted to humans it could kill millions.

In order for it to become a pandemic strain, it would have to adapt to become highly infectious to humans by injecting itself into a human virus.

Can it be Controlled? By changing traditional farming practices in Asia where animals and humans chares unsanitory quarters the likelihood of a spread would decrease.

Other facts: Over the last year, the virus has killed 32 vietnamese, 12 Thais, and one Cambodian.

The virus also hasbeen found in other animals such as tigers and cats.

For more information go to What is Bird Flu?


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