Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bird Flu- Hard to get, Harder to beat

 Going vegetarian these days fearing bird influenza? Ever wondered what exactly is this bird flu (derived from the word influenza). Bird flu or avian influenza is any virus adapted in humans from the bird species. The only known such virus are influenza A viruses, of which of which H5N1 is a subtype. Most people use the words ?avian flu? or ?bird flu? to mean H5N1.

Avian (or bird) flu is caused by influenza viruses that occur naturally among wild birds. The H5N1 variant is deadly to domestic fowl and can be transmitted from birds to humans. There is no human immunity and no vaccine is available.
As is explained it?s a three way process for a human to come in contact with a bird flu. First a wild bird is infected, which in turn infect the domestic fowls which we humans have chances of coming in contact with. But yes once we do get it, it can be fatal. This fear of acquiring bird flu sometimes gets the better of us intelligent beings. We have overrated a normal flu (cold, sore throat) to the levels of bird flu. Though the symptoms for them both are the same a bird flu symptoms are more severe and quick. It lasts longer and the body also feels lethargic and a sudden shot of body temperature leads to high fever.

But what if u does come in contact with the bird flu virus, what if u gets infected? There are no vaccines for this flu and antibiotics don?t work either. A medicine available on the net and with your doctors is oseltamivir, popularly branded as Tamiflu. Incase of an outbreak of the flu one must consult his doctor immediately and buy Tamiflu. It is advised to take Tamiflu within two days of coming in contact with the flu. One can also take Tamiflu for bird flu prevention if a family member already has been infected. Since the flu is infectious from human contact there is a chance of pandemic bird flu if the correct precautions are not heeded to. Various governments have stockpiled quantities of oseltamivir in preparation for a possible pandemic.
You can buy cheap Tamiflu online or get it from your doctor in case of a breakout of the flu.

Tamiflu is suitable for all adults and children above the age of one year. Tamiflu can have its own side effects as well, like nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain and vomiting.

It is always advised to consult your doctor before mistaking a common cold for bird flu and act accordingly. Even bird flu can be cured if dealt without haste and fear.

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